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Authorized by Aikikai Foundation

Recruiting​ Practitioners!


9 Mar  NEW! 

The movies of Shihan-keiko on the Saturday have been updated.

Go to Member's page

9 Mar  NEW! 

Jo practice will be held on Fri 14 Mar.

24 Feb

We will now be using Yoshida Junior High School every Wednesday other than practice days at Yokohama Budokan. See Calender.


What is Aikido

Aikido is a modern martial art founded by the founder, UESHIBA Morihei (1883-1969), after mastering various kinds of traditional Japanese martial arts and rigorous spiritual training.

Aikido does not compete with the opponent.

The aim is to train the body and mind through friendly rivalry with each other through techniques created from the movement of Irimi (entering) and Tenkan (turning), and breathing control.
Also, since Aikido is not about competing with others, there are no matches or competitions.

Currently, the third Doshu (The representative of Aikido), UESHIBA Moriteru, leads Aikikai Foundation.
Aikido also has many enthusiasts overseas, and is now widely spread in about 140 countries and regions.
Aikido is often said to be "Moving Zen" which is a way to make the most of each other, always facing one's own posture from the connection with the other.

This unique philosophy must shine even brighter in this era of turmoil and strife.

浜風合気会 稽古風景 袴イメージ
浜風合気会 稽古風景 正座
浜風合気会 稽古風景 片手取り
浜風合気会 稽古風景 短刀
機動戦士 浜風合気会


Aikido HAMAKAZE (or HAMAKAZE Aikikai) is a dojo authorized by Aikikai Public Interest Incorporated Foundation. HAMAKAZE was established in January 2006 by volunteers who love Aikido in Isogo Ward, Yokohama.

Also, as a member of the Kanagawa Prefecture Aikido Federation, we actively engage in exchange training with fellow dojos.

浜風合気会 平成20年度 演武大会

Our Activities

At Aikido HAMAKAZE, we ask for coaching from SEKI Shoji Shihan (Aikikai HQ Shihan 8th Dan), who have contributed greatly to the establishment of this dojo.


Currently, we practice 2-3 times a week (subject to change due to various circumstances), and we mainly practice at Yokohama Budokan, Negishi Junior High School, and Mori Junior High School.


Aikido HAMAKAZE invites SEKI Shihan several times a month to give coaching. SEKI Shihan's sharp and explosive technique always fascinates us.

In addition, we are conducting exchange training with several other dojos, including IHI (former Ishikawajima Harima Heavy Industries) Aikido Club, from time to time, offering opportunities in which we can participate in more lessons with more friends.

This is a dojo in Sendai where Chiba Sensei, a founding member of Hamakaze, serves as the Shihan.


合気道 合気会 合気会公認 合気道道場 横浜市 中区 磯子区 磯子区 関内駅 根岸駅 屛風ヶ浦駅 初心者 初心者歓迎 丁寧 熱心 有段者が多い 楽しい 和気あいあい 護身術 稽古多い 通いやすい 安い リーズナブル コスパ高い 

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